Homemaking is whatever you make of it. Every day brings satisfaction along with some work which may be frustrating, routine, and unchallenging. But it is the same in the law office, the dispensary, the laboratory, or the store. There is, however, no more important job than homemaking. As C.S. Lewis said, "A housewife's work... is the one for which all others exist."

James E. Faust

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Organization Mini-Series: Organize Your Time

For the next few posts I will be doing a mini-series in preparation for the organization class I will be teaching next week. I wanted to be able to include the following things in more detail in my class: Organize Yourselves, Organize Your Kids, and Organize Your Time. However, because of time constraints in the class I can't fit them all in. Instead I will be posting them on here. :)

Organize Your Time

I love this cartoon! Sometimes there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to get anything done!

I. Introduction
A long time ago when I was in high school my older sister was in charge of taking us to school. It seemed that if we weren't running out of gas (curse of an old truck with a broken speedometer!) then we were running late. We were never actually late but the way I remember it we ran everyday to make it over to D building for our first classes of the day. Now due to my crooked foot I can't run very well. My sister  knew this and so she would say, "Just hold onto my backpack!" And so I did. I'd grip her backpack and away we'd go while she'd pull me hobbling along behind. We must've looked so funny but it worked. :)

Fast forward to a couple of years later when my sister was in college and it was my turn to drive my little brother to school. We were never even close to being late. Even back then I was good at managing my time. Plus, I trained my little brother on how to start up that old truck so it would be good and warmed up and not stall on the way to school. ;)

Time management is more than just being on time though! It's about making time to not only get the things you need to get done during the day/ week/ month but also making time for your interests as well. And it's about remembering that you are only one person and don't have to do everything all at once.

II. Invest in a Clock (or two or three or four)
I have a clock in every room. I'm serious! Being on time is important to me and so I make sure I always know what time it is. Every bathroom, the laundry room, the kids' rooms, they all have a clock. Some rooms even have two. Ha! I can't stand it if I don't know what time it is. I consider promptness a sign of respect and good manners. When you make the effort to be on time for an appointment you are telling the person you are meeting they are important to you. Plus you are teaching your children that others matter more than themselves. A child that is constantly late to school disrupts class every time they walk in the door. That's not really fair to the other kids or the teacher. As a mom it's my responsibility to make sure my kids get to school on time. Hence the clocks. ;)

III. Balance
There are only so many hours in the day and if your To Do list is anything like mine it's never-ending! Oh what I could get done if only the hours were infinite! But they're not and so I have to carefully choose how to spend my day. If all I did all day was clean the house (which I could easily do having five kids and all) I would feel so burned out! But if I only pursued my own interests every day then the housework would become insurmountable! There has to be balance!

 I do one major chore each day, I delegate the daily clutter control to my children, and my husband also helps with chores by keeping the dishes washed. That takes care of the household stuff. I also make sure I schedule time daily to play with my kids. Actually, we all know kids get most of our time but they do need quality attention too. Everyday after lunch, before nap time, I go down to the basement with my two littlest ones and we play. The older three go to bed later so they get their quality time then. I also make sure to take some time to do what I want, like watching a TV show while the youngest naps and the others are playing together in the basement. That "me" time is how I recharge and so I use it everyday. I also try really hard to exercise with my husband every evening. That takes care of our couple time and my health. See where I'm going?

When I'm taking care of my responsibilities as a mother, a wife, a homemaker, etc. I find I'm so much happier and everyone's needs are being met, including mine! It can't be all about them but it can't be all about me. A balanced life is a happy life!

IV. Time and a Season
Even though balance is important there's something that's even more important and that's remembering that you are only one person! We all want to be "Super Wife" and "Super Mom" and "Super Friend" but that is unobtainable, really. We have to remember that perfection is not real when it comes to life. If you try to reach beyond your capabilities too much you will burn out quickly. Then what good will you be to anyone?

I know so many moms who are trying to be everything to everyone all the time. It's exhausting to watch. They are trying to complete their educations, work, be moms, etc. all at once. There are so many things I want to learn and do but I know that I have limits and so I put some of my goals on the back burner and wait until the timing is right.

Finishing school will be there later when my kids are older as well as those other personal goals. For now, my season is to be home with my kids and I'm okay with that. I can have it all. I just don't need it all right now!

V. Simplify
The most important advice I can give to anyone who is struggling with time-management is to simplify! Just because someone asks you to help with a party, for example, doesn't mean you have to. Even if they are a friend. If you've already got a dozen of other things on your plate then politely decline. If they are truly a friend they'll understand. That goes for kid commitments as well. If your child wants to be in the school play but they're already doing two sports they don't have to do it. There are so many parents out there that think they have to let their kids try everything that interests them. Kids need time to be kids more than anything. They need time to use their imaginations and play. And so do moms! Learn to say no and you'll be surprised at how much time you have! ;)

If you find you are staying up late every night to finish your daily tasks then I'd say you need to find places elsewhere to simplify. Getting enough sleep should always be included in the balance of your day. If you aren't sleeping enough your health suffers. You are hungry more often, irritable, unable to focus as well,  and the list goes on and on. I never let my commitments get in the way of my sleep. Sleep is sacred!

VI. Conclusion
I have a busy life just like the rest of you. It's tough trying to get everything done and I do get overwhelmed. But I also know how to manage my time and always make sure that I keep my life as balanced as possible. Plus, I know my stress-limits and am not afraid to say no if I need to. Time is usually my friend and it can be yours too!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Organization Mini-Series: Organize Your Kids

For the next few posts I will be doing a mini-series in preparation for the organization class I will be teaching next week. I wanted to be able to include the following things in more detail in my class: Organize Yourselves, Organize Your Kids, and Organize Your Time. However, because of time constraints in the class I can't fit them all in. Instead I will be posting them on here. :)
Aww, look at my sweet baby girl, Aftyn. The cutest princess wiper-offer ever!

Organize Your Kids

I. Introduction
A key component to having a more organized life is getting the whole family on board. If you don't put forth an effort to keep your kids organized as well as yourself chaos will ensue and it will happen fast! Five kids remember? Ha ha. ;) There are some great ways to help your kids be more organized which in turn will help everything in your household run more smoothly.

II. Teach Kids Independence
The more kids can do for themselves the less you're going to be running around like a crazy person trying to do everything for everyone. A small child is capable of doing many things if you just give them the chance. For example, they can help clean up, do simple chores, and fetch things. With a little guidance, they'll soon be managing a lot on their own.

I love checklists! They are super helpful for keeping kids on task. My kids (almost) never need to be reminded of what to do each morning and night. All they have to do is refer to their checklist. I've been doing the morning checklist for a few years now and it works great. The bedtime works well for my three middle children. My oldest is a teenager and although she knows what she is supposed to be doing, it's the convincing that's the problem. Ha! I'm still counting it as successful since three kids follow it like clockwork. ;)

Another thing that I do is have my kids set out outfits for each school day. The oldest now picks out her own clothes but I still have her set them out each Sunday night. The others prefer me to help and that's okay. That way I know they match. ;) It cuts back on morning chaos when everyone knows exactly what to wear.

III. Teach Children to be Helpful
I remember watching a reality show with Jessica Simpson. She had recently married and didn't know how to do any housework. Her mother had done it all for her and her sister, including cleaning their rooms while they were at school! She's rich so she can just pay someone to clean for her but the rest of us don't have that luxury. You are doing no favors to your kids if you don't teach them basic life skills, including how to clean. 

This is what I like to call the "Helpful Chart". Anytime I ask my kids to do something for me and they promptly obey with a good attitude they earn a sticker. After they've gotten ten stickers they earn a reward of their choosing. I give them three choices to help narrow things down and keep it fair. My kids love this chart and I love that it is so positive. Once a sticker goes on they can't lose it for naughtiness either. I love it. Plus, I laminated it so the kids just peel their stickers off when they're ready to start over again.

My kids also do chores regularly. During the school year they are mainly in charge of keeping their rooms picked up, taking out the garbage, clutter control, and bathrooms (Saturdays). In the summer they have many more responsibilities. They get paid allowance for doing these chores. I also provide some $1 "wild card" chores that they can pick from, up to three a month, if they're trying to buy something quicker. Chores are non-negotiable. They get done or they lose a privilege. They always get done. ;)

IV. Provide Storage for their Things
This last point is so important! If you don't provide places for your kids' things then there's going to be many lost shoes/ homework/ items. You have to train your kids to be organized and teach them your systems otherwise it's going to be a failed effort.
Those who know me best know how much I love my cubbies! They are tucked into the corner of my laundry room and have proved to be invaluable as far as keeping my kids organized. Each child has two cubbies; one for their shoes and one for their coats/jackets/hats etc. I got mine from IKEA and they were worth every penny!

I also provided hooks for backpacks and lunch boxes for each of my kids in the coat closet. The kids know the drill very well: Hang up backpacks, put shoes and coats away, done! Little things like this make life so much easier. Don't forget to label too. That way there'll never be any confusion on whose spot is whose. ;)

V. Conclusion
In conclusion, I just want to say that I get it. I truly do. Trying to keep kids organized is a daily effort and it's not easy! However, if you implement just a few simple changes I guarantee that it will become at least a little easier. Teaching your children to manage themselves and their things is so important. And even though they may balk at change, in the long run they will be glad you taught them. :)

Friday, April 8, 2016

Organization Mini-Series: Organize Yourself

For the next few posts I will be doing a mini-series in preparation for the organization class I will be teaching next week. I wanted to be able to include the following things in more detail in my class: Organize Yourselves, Organize Your Kids, and Organize Your Time. However, because of time constraints I can't fit them all in. Instead I will be posting them on here. :)

I may feel like this on the inside some days but you won't ever see me look like this on the outside! Ha ha!

Organize Yourself

I. Introduction 
There are so many ways to be organized other than just having an organized home! Life organization is equally important to having a less stressful life. When you take the time to love yourself, you will be a nicer mommy, more loving wife, and altogether happier.

II. Put Yourself First 
When I became a new mom at the ripe old age of 22, I realized that there seemed to be a trend going on with a lot of my mom friends. Somehow, it became an unspoken rule that when one entered motherhood, one had to "let themselves go." I noticed many moms declaring to the world, "I'm a mother! I'm busy! I don't have time to fix my hair! I don't have time to get dressed! Make-up? How dare you even suggest such a thing! I am devoting all my time and energy into motherhood now and putting myself very last on my to-do list. That is why I go grocery shopping in my pajama pants!"

I knew I didn't want that to happen to me! That is why I decided right then and there that I would not fall victim to that trend and would remain true to myself. I decided that no matter what, I would get myself dressed, fix my hair and put on makeup each and everyday. And I would do it before I cleaned the house, ran errands, etc. I decided to be bold and instead of putting myself last on my never-ending list of things that needed to get done I would (gasp) put myself first! At least in this small way. :)

I have five children so believe me when I say I know how time consuming it is to be a full-time mother and a full-time homemaker. But think of it this way: If you had a job outside the home would you roll out of bed, stick your hair in a messy bun, and go to a meeting with your boss in pajamas? Of course not! The idea is laughable! Your boss would expect you to arrive at work neat, clean, organized, and ready for your day. And if you weren't you probably wouldn't have that job for too long. ;)

Well, when you are a stay-at-home mom you are your own boss and you can hold yourself to that same standard! I find that because I take the time to pretty myself up each morning that I am happier. It gives me a mental boost each morning to know that I did something for me. :) Especially when it seems like the rest of my day is devoted to serving my family and others. I also like that I am sending the message to the world that I like myself. I care about myself and I love what I do. I love being a homemaker and a mother and by looking nice everyday, I am declaring that I have a happy life. I don't think I would be sending the same message if I looked like crap all the time. ;)

And it's easier than you think. Grab a shower while the baby naps. Turn on a show for your toddlers while you fix your hair or set them up with some toys in your bedroom while you put your makeup on. It will do your children a world of good to see that their mommy is taking the time to care for herself.

III. Mommy Projects
Another important part of self-organization is what I like to call "Mommy Projects". Homemaking and motherhood can oft times be like the movie Groundhog Day in that the monotony and same thing day in and day out can be tedious to say the least. That is why I like to do "Mommy Projects" every now and then. When I feel myself getting overwhelmed I try and take a little while to do something I like. After all, I am not just Ainsley, Aftyn, Gavin, Breah, and Brody's mom. I am also Cara. I have likes and interests outside of homemaking and motherhood, believe it or not. ;)

I have a craft room downstairs in our basement that is my sanctuary. I can keep it messy and it is my own space. I can go in there and get creative while my kids play in the family room. I am still accessible to them and tuned in, yet I'm not doing just mommy things. Instead I am pursuing my own things. It helps me feel refreshed and ready to go back to the drudgery. ;)

IV. Health and Spirit
Probably the most important part of keeping your life organized is keeping your health at the top of your list. After all, if you don't have your health then what do you have? You owe it to yourself and your family to care for the body that God gave you. You need to keep your mind sharp. Make health a priority. Drink lots of water. Eat healthy foods. Exercise. Read good books. Be an example to those you love.

There are really no excuses when it comes to taking care of oneself. If I can be healthy with a crippled foot, then anyone can. Start small but just start. Take your husband and kids along too. They will thank you for it. :)

Don't forget to feed your spirit too. Read scriptures. Pray. Meditate. Whatever it is that you do to feel more connected to whatever it is you believe, do it. A happy spirit is a healthy spirit. :)

V. Conclusion
This concludes this segment in my mini-series. I hope you have taken my advice to heart. I truly feel when you love yourself better it makes it easier to love others better too. If you make yourself a priority every day I promise you will find the time to care for yourself and be ready to conquer the world!

Stay tuned for the next edition in this mini-series: Organizing Your Kids!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sugar Sweet

Brown sugar turned rock hard? No problem! Take the heel from your loaf of bread and throw it in with your sugar. Within a few hours the sugar will have absorbed all the moisture from the bread and be soft again. This is a tip I learned from my mom and is probably well-known but I thought I'd share it anyway. :)

Here's some interesting facts about brown sugar. I learned some new things and maybe you will too!

  • Brown sugar is essentially white sugar that has some molasses mixed into it. 
  • Some people think that because the sugar is brown it is healthier (think white rice vs. brown rice) but it's not the case. Sugar is sugar whether it's white or brown. :)
  • Because brown sugar has molasses in it, it makes cookies slightly chewier when baked with.
  • Because it is not very abrasive, brown sugar makes a great exfoliant for skin.
And because I'm trying to make this post be at least a little interesting (ha ha) here's a recipe also that features brown sugar. My good friend Charlotte shared it with me and it is super easy and very yummy. Four out my five kids liked it which is really saying something for my picky crowd!

Sweet and Spicy Chicken

1 can diced tomatoes
1/4 c brown sugar
1 tsp red pepper flakes
3-4 chicken breasts
Mix tomatoes, brown sugar, and pepper flakes. Pour on chicken. Cook.on low for 6-8 hours. Shred. Serve on tortillas, cheese, lettuce and sour cream. Also good on a salad.

And this concludes my informative yet slightly boring post about brown sugar. Funny, when I told my thirteen-year-old daughter about the post I was working on she responded with, "Yawn. Mom that is so boring. If you want to keep your followers you'd better come up with something more interesting." 

Well too bad, Ainsley. It's staying boring so there. Homemaking isn't too awful exciting but I for one happen to find brown sugar interesting so there! Hmm, I think I need to get out more. ;) Leave it to the teenager to "keep it real". ;)

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Two Words: Stair Baskets

Everyone has their "pet peeves" when it comes to housework and I am no exception. There are certain things that just bother me. I can live with dirty toilets for a couple of weeks and crumbs on the table don't bother me either (although that is my husband's pet peeve so I am trying to get better). I tend to be pretty lax when it comes to cleaning, mostly due to my handicap. Being on my feet is just hard. However, there is one thing I cannot stand. CLUTTER.

I grew up in a very cluttered house. My parents were catalog hoarders and even though we had three bar stools sitting at the kitchen counter I rarely remember the counters being cleared enough to use them. And if they were it was usually because I cleared them! We never really had a system for containing our stuff and so it just built up and built up. Back then, being a kid in my parents' home, I really didn't have much control over the clutter.

Fast forward to my own home and I do everything I can to control it. When the house is picked up I feel more peaceful. In fact, if ever I am having a stressed out moment usually picking up the counter tops calms me right down. Whatever works right? 

Today I am here to tell you about a life saver to control clutter in a multiple level home. Stair baskets.
This little beauty right here makes life so much better when you can't stand clutter. Living in a house with five children can make clutter get out of control at lightning speed if I don't work to contain it. For a few minutes in the morning and then again after school the kids and I sweep the main floor in search of anything that doesn't belong.

Anything that belongs upstairs goes in the upstairs basket and anything that belongs in the finished basement goes in the downstairs basket. As I'm heading up or down for something I try and grab a few items out of the baskets and put them away. My sweet grandma likes to call this "Putting my head before my heels." :) But mostly, my kids are in charge of emptying them during their regular chore time after school. They do a great job and the random things get put back where they belong.

I love these baskets because they keep everything contained and out of sight until we can empty them. And since they are designed for stairs they fit perfectly along the wall and stay out of the way. The exact one that I have can be found here on Amazon. I've had them for several years and they have lasted well, especially considering that kids mostly handle them!

If I only had a one level home I imagine this system could be used just as well there. Someday Nathan and I plan to downsize to a rambler when our kids are gone and then I imagine having a cute basket at the entry to the hallway or something that can collect everything waiting to be put away.

If you are tired of things just sitting out because no one is motivated to walk all the way up or downstairs to put them away, try a basket!

Oh and make emptying them part of your daily routine otherwise they'll just go to waste. Or better yet... make your kids empty them! ;)

Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Best App for the Busy Mom (Who wants to Keep a Tidy House)

I love to make New Year's resolutions. It's always great to set the bar a little higher for oneself and then try to improve. I've already written a post on setting a cleaning schedule for myself in an effort to get better at keeping my house clean. Since then, however, I've jumped into the current century and found a great app for my phone to help me improve.

I guess I should do a quick explanation of how I keep my house clean and orderly. I do a little each day. I am so not into the all day Saturday cleaning like my mom used to do. I don't work outside of the home like she did so there's no reason for me to not clean my house during the week and save Saturday for family time. :)

I came up with a system to always have a clean house but not work myself to death in the process. I simply divide my household chores amongst the days of the week. For example I clean the bathrooms every other Tuesday. I deep clean the kitchen and mop the floor every other Wednesday. Every Thursday I wash the whites, etc. I've got it worked out so I mostly only do one major chore per day which leaves me time for baking, errands, and playing with my two children that are still home during the day. It's a great system! To see it in greater detail clink on this link.

If you clicked on it then you noticed that I wrote all of my chores out on a calendar and color-coded it. It worked fine but it was time consuming. Now comes for the exciting part. Last year I discovered an app that reminds me of whatever I need reminding of.
It's called the To Do Reminder and I cannot say enough about how awesome it is. All I have to do is type into the app what I want to be reminded of and then the app does the rest!

It can remind me of my daily chores and keeps track of which ones come on any certain day. It can remind daily, hourly, every two weeks, monthly, whatever I need. I also like that it keeps reminding me every ten minutes for a time until I dismiss the task. Oh and did I mention it's free?!?
Here's an actual screenshot from my phone. Today is Saturday and I made that day be my "catch up on blog" day. Hey, I can mark that one off! ;)

Get this app! It's great!