Homemaking is whatever you make of it. Every day brings satisfaction along with some work which may be frustrating, routine, and unchallenging. But it is the same in the law office, the dispensary, the laboratory, or the store. There is, however, no more important job than homemaking. As C.S. Lewis said, "A housewife's work... is the one for which all others exist."

James E. Faust

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Organization Mini-Series: Organize Your Time

For the next few posts I will be doing a mini-series in preparation for the organization class I will be teaching next week. I wanted to be able to include the following things in more detail in my class: Organize Yourselves, Organize Your Kids, and Organize Your Time. However, because of time constraints in the class I can't fit them all in. Instead I will be posting them on here. :)

Organize Your Time

I love this cartoon! Sometimes there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to get anything done!

I. Introduction
A long time ago when I was in high school my older sister was in charge of taking us to school. It seemed that if we weren't running out of gas (curse of an old truck with a broken speedometer!) then we were running late. We were never actually late but the way I remember it we ran everyday to make it over to D building for our first classes of the day. Now due to my crooked foot I can't run very well. My sister  knew this and so she would say, "Just hold onto my backpack!" And so I did. I'd grip her backpack and away we'd go while she'd pull me hobbling along behind. We must've looked so funny but it worked. :)

Fast forward to a couple of years later when my sister was in college and it was my turn to drive my little brother to school. We were never even close to being late. Even back then I was good at managing my time. Plus, I trained my little brother on how to start up that old truck so it would be good and warmed up and not stall on the way to school. ;)

Time management is more than just being on time though! It's about making time to not only get the things you need to get done during the day/ week/ month but also making time for your interests as well. And it's about remembering that you are only one person and don't have to do everything all at once.

II. Invest in a Clock (or two or three or four)
I have a clock in every room. I'm serious! Being on time is important to me and so I make sure I always know what time it is. Every bathroom, the laundry room, the kids' rooms, they all have a clock. Some rooms even have two. Ha! I can't stand it if I don't know what time it is. I consider promptness a sign of respect and good manners. When you make the effort to be on time for an appointment you are telling the person you are meeting they are important to you. Plus you are teaching your children that others matter more than themselves. A child that is constantly late to school disrupts class every time they walk in the door. That's not really fair to the other kids or the teacher. As a mom it's my responsibility to make sure my kids get to school on time. Hence the clocks. ;)

III. Balance
There are only so many hours in the day and if your To Do list is anything like mine it's never-ending! Oh what I could get done if only the hours were infinite! But they're not and so I have to carefully choose how to spend my day. If all I did all day was clean the house (which I could easily do having five kids and all) I would feel so burned out! But if I only pursued my own interests every day then the housework would become insurmountable! There has to be balance!

 I do one major chore each day, I delegate the daily clutter control to my children, and my husband also helps with chores by keeping the dishes washed. That takes care of the household stuff. I also make sure I schedule time daily to play with my kids. Actually, we all know kids get most of our time but they do need quality attention too. Everyday after lunch, before nap time, I go down to the basement with my two littlest ones and we play. The older three go to bed later so they get their quality time then. I also make sure to take some time to do what I want, like watching a TV show while the youngest naps and the others are playing together in the basement. That "me" time is how I recharge and so I use it everyday. I also try really hard to exercise with my husband every evening. That takes care of our couple time and my health. See where I'm going?

When I'm taking care of my responsibilities as a mother, a wife, a homemaker, etc. I find I'm so much happier and everyone's needs are being met, including mine! It can't be all about them but it can't be all about me. A balanced life is a happy life!

IV. Time and a Season
Even though balance is important there's something that's even more important and that's remembering that you are only one person! We all want to be "Super Wife" and "Super Mom" and "Super Friend" but that is unobtainable, really. We have to remember that perfection is not real when it comes to life. If you try to reach beyond your capabilities too much you will burn out quickly. Then what good will you be to anyone?

I know so many moms who are trying to be everything to everyone all the time. It's exhausting to watch. They are trying to complete their educations, work, be moms, etc. all at once. There are so many things I want to learn and do but I know that I have limits and so I put some of my goals on the back burner and wait until the timing is right.

Finishing school will be there later when my kids are older as well as those other personal goals. For now, my season is to be home with my kids and I'm okay with that. I can have it all. I just don't need it all right now!

V. Simplify
The most important advice I can give to anyone who is struggling with time-management is to simplify! Just because someone asks you to help with a party, for example, doesn't mean you have to. Even if they are a friend. If you've already got a dozen of other things on your plate then politely decline. If they are truly a friend they'll understand. That goes for kid commitments as well. If your child wants to be in the school play but they're already doing two sports they don't have to do it. There are so many parents out there that think they have to let their kids try everything that interests them. Kids need time to be kids more than anything. They need time to use their imaginations and play. And so do moms! Learn to say no and you'll be surprised at how much time you have! ;)

If you find you are staying up late every night to finish your daily tasks then I'd say you need to find places elsewhere to simplify. Getting enough sleep should always be included in the balance of your day. If you aren't sleeping enough your health suffers. You are hungry more often, irritable, unable to focus as well,  and the list goes on and on. I never let my commitments get in the way of my sleep. Sleep is sacred!

VI. Conclusion
I have a busy life just like the rest of you. It's tough trying to get everything done and I do get overwhelmed. But I also know how to manage my time and always make sure that I keep my life as balanced as possible. Plus, I know my stress-limits and am not afraid to say no if I need to. Time is usually my friend and it can be yours too!

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