Homemaking is whatever you make of it. Every day brings satisfaction along with some work which may be frustrating, routine, and unchallenging. But it is the same in the law office, the dispensary, the laboratory, or the store. There is, however, no more important job than homemaking. As C.S. Lewis said, "A housewife's work... is the one for which all others exist."

James E. Faust

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Two Words: Stair Baskets

Everyone has their "pet peeves" when it comes to housework and I am no exception. There are certain things that just bother me. I can live with dirty toilets for a couple of weeks and crumbs on the table don't bother me either (although that is my husband's pet peeve so I am trying to get better). I tend to be pretty lax when it comes to cleaning, mostly due to my handicap. Being on my feet is just hard. However, there is one thing I cannot stand. CLUTTER.

I grew up in a very cluttered house. My parents were catalog hoarders and even though we had three bar stools sitting at the kitchen counter I rarely remember the counters being cleared enough to use them. And if they were it was usually because I cleared them! We never really had a system for containing our stuff and so it just built up and built up. Back then, being a kid in my parents' home, I really didn't have much control over the clutter.

Fast forward to my own home and I do everything I can to control it. When the house is picked up I feel more peaceful. In fact, if ever I am having a stressed out moment usually picking up the counter tops calms me right down. Whatever works right? 

Today I am here to tell you about a life saver to control clutter in a multiple level home. Stair baskets.
This little beauty right here makes life so much better when you can't stand clutter. Living in a house with five children can make clutter get out of control at lightning speed if I don't work to contain it. For a few minutes in the morning and then again after school the kids and I sweep the main floor in search of anything that doesn't belong.

Anything that belongs upstairs goes in the upstairs basket and anything that belongs in the finished basement goes in the downstairs basket. As I'm heading up or down for something I try and grab a few items out of the baskets and put them away. My sweet grandma likes to call this "Putting my head before my heels." :) But mostly, my kids are in charge of emptying them during their regular chore time after school. They do a great job and the random things get put back where they belong.

I love these baskets because they keep everything contained and out of sight until we can empty them. And since they are designed for stairs they fit perfectly along the wall and stay out of the way. The exact one that I have can be found here on Amazon. I've had them for several years and they have lasted well, especially considering that kids mostly handle them!

If I only had a one level home I imagine this system could be used just as well there. Someday Nathan and I plan to downsize to a rambler when our kids are gone and then I imagine having a cute basket at the entry to the hallway or something that can collect everything waiting to be put away.

If you are tired of things just sitting out because no one is motivated to walk all the way up or downstairs to put them away, try a basket!

Oh and make emptying them part of your daily routine otherwise they'll just go to waste. Or better yet... make your kids empty them! ;)

1 comment:

Marci said...

Love this idea. Must get a stair basket! I have an extra laundry basket that I pull out sometimes and use to do something like this. I'll pull it out and put all the things in it that need to go upstairs, then go put all that stuff away. Then while I'm upstairs I look for things that need to go downstairs and put those in the basket. But I have this bad habit of filling the basket up and then leaving it in a corner for a few days. This may solve my problem!