Homemaking is whatever you make of it. Every day brings satisfaction along with some work which may be frustrating, routine, and unchallenging. But it is the same in the law office, the dispensary, the laboratory, or the store. There is, however, no more important job than homemaking. As C.S. Lewis said, "A housewife's work... is the one for which all others exist."

James E. Faust

Friday, April 15, 2011

Organization Class- Part 1

And I'm back! Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to this blog but I do have some good reasons! I've been taking care of some very sick kids for the past two weeks and also I've been preparing a class on organization that I just taught on Tuesday at my church.

Now that the kids are on the mend and my class is all done, I thought I'd take the next few weeks to review what I taught in the class. So here goes!

Part I- A House of Order
First of all I had the class envision the inside of an LDS temple. If you're not LDS click on the link to see what I'm talking about. We then discussed what makes a temple orderly and came up with these answers: Nothing is ever out of place or cluttered. Everyone has a job to do and performs it in a timely and orderly fashion. It is always clean.

I then quoted this scripture from a book called The Doctrine and Covenants which is a book of revelation revealed to the first prophet of our church, Joseph Smith. The scripture says, "Behold, mine house is a house of order, saith the Lord God, and not a house of confusion. D&C 132:8.

"A clean organized room can bring the Spirit of the Lord." This is a quote I found when I was teenager and loved it so much I wrote it down on a little card to be displayed on my bedroom mirror. Back then I was not organized or neat. After years of constantly being punished for not keeping my room clean, my mom finally gave up and let me live in my filth. And I did, quite happily!

As I became a grown-up, however, and became in charge of an entire household, I realized that order and cleanliness make my house run smoother. They make things less stressful. They teach my kids to respect their home, their mother, and themselves. And most importantly, they make my home a peaceful place to be.

So here comes your challenge for the week:
Think of one room in your house or area in your life that is disorganized and ponder these questions:
  1. What don't you like about it?
  2. How does it make you feel?
  3. How does it keep you from accomplishing what you want?
Next time we'll be discussing the first step in organizing any space albeit a drawer, closet or an entire room! Happy pondering. :)

If you're interested in learning more about my faith. Click here!


Marci said...

Love it! We're having an activity on this very thing next month! I hope our speaker is as good as you!

jgirl said...

Sounds informative and profound...good job! ;0)