Homemaking is whatever you make of it. Every day brings satisfaction along with some work which may be frustrating, routine, and unchallenging. But it is the same in the law office, the dispensary, the laboratory, or the store. There is, however, no more important job than homemaking. As C.S. Lewis said, "A housewife's work... is the one for which all others exist."

James E. Faust

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Resolution: Cleaning More=Less Stress

Okay, okay, so I don't have homework to do but you get my point!
Two kids ago, I used to be pretty darn amazing at keeping my house clean. The bathrooms were cleaned once a week, my floors were always mopped, the beds were made everyday, the garbage was never overflowing, and all the laundry was folded, and put away the same day it was washed. Ahh, my glory days!

Four years later I've added two more kids to the mix and live in a house nearly double the size of the house we lived in with two kids. Add to that my youngest being a very clingy child and I've suddenly found myself woefully behind on my housework. It's not that I don't want to keep my house clean because that couldn't be farther from the truth.  It's just that somehow, everything has gotten out of balance and it's driving me crazy! I look around at my dirty floors and scummy toilets and I do not feel at peace. I feel anxiety and that's not a good way to be.

My floors are rarely mopped, the bathrooms only get cleaned when I noticed scum growing in the toilets and the bed? Well, let's just say that I only make it when I notice my husband has pulled all the sheets over to one side and so I quickly tuck everything back in right before I go to bed. In my defense, however, my house may not be clean but it is organized. Organizing is my my favorite pastime after all. Cleaning? Not so much.

I'm hoping this year that I will get back on track. I knew I needed help when a friend of mine who cleans houses for a living asked me if I'd like her to clean my house every week. Apparently I have complained a little too much to her about how difficult it is for me to keep up on my housework. Her offer was tempting for sure but I know I am capable of keeping my house maintained on my own. After all, my labor is free. Someone else is not!

So here's how I've decided to do it. I've decided to make a list of chores that need to be done and dole them out to the days of the week. When I only had two kids I did this and it worked well. For example: Every Monday I will clean the bathrooms, every Tuesday do the dusting and vacuuming, etc. Laundry is already working fine. Click here if you want to see how I do laundry. :)

Easy, I can do that. Now comes the tricky part; Finding the extra time in my already full day to add necessary cleaning. To make that happen I plan to shower at night instead of in the morning before I take my daughter to kindergarten and my son to preschool. I was already letting the baby watch an Elmo movie during that time so I could shower in privacy so that should work out well. While my kids are playing and the baby's preoccupied with Elmo I can get my chores started.

I'm going to try it. I'll get started on my list right away and begin implementing my plan tomorrow. I guess all I needed was a little organization.

Wait did I just say organization? Hey! I'm good at that! :)


Mike and Erika said...

Hey Cara! Love your blog! You have totally inspired me to get my cleaning organized also. Thanks for all the great ideas!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering where you got the pictures for those tiles they are the best ones i've seen!