Homemaking is whatever you make of it. Every day brings satisfaction along with some work which may be frustrating, routine, and unchallenging. But it is the same in the law office, the dispensary, the laboratory, or the store. There is, however, no more important job than homemaking. As C.S. Lewis said, "A housewife's work... is the one for which all others exist."

James E. Faust

Friday, March 24, 2017


A couple of days ago I did a quick little organization project and I thought I'd share. I organized my freezer... Prepared to be "frozen" with fear at the messy site! Ha ha! ;)
It was a jumbled mess, let me tell ya. :) Normally, I clean out my freezer and fridge a few times a year but with my major foot surgery and recovery this past summer/fall/winter, a lot of things got pushed aside. The freezer was one of many areas that suffered. Each shelf was packed and who knows what was even lurking in the very back? There were some mystery items, for sure. :)

The first step in any organization project is purging. Purging is where you take everything out of your space and go through it all, deciding what stays and what goes. Because I was working with frozen food I had to do this rather quickly. One very full garbage bag later, and I was ready to place all the remaining food back in.

Since I also have a large stand-up freezer in the garage, I decided to use the kitchen freezer for the things we use regularly and the garage freezer to hold the extra stuff that doesn't get eaten as often. To make the shelves able to stay neater I wanted to store the food into two bins, side by side on each shelf. The kids and I made a quick trip to the dollar store to see what we could find.

I was bummed to discover that my freezer shelves weren't wide enough to get two bins on each one. So I had to settle for one bin per shelf but it still works because the bins work as a divider of sorts which makes things easier to see and find. Here's how I categorized my freezer.

At the top is the "Treats" shelf. It's a terrible picture but for now all I have are my beloved boxes of Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies. I have a love/hate relationship with these things. I love to eat them but hate that they tempt me to eat an entire box in one sitting. ;) This summer it will also be the shelf for ice cream too. No one really wants ice cream until it's good and hot outside.

In the middle I have a shelf for frozen breads. My kids love the maple french toast bagels (they sound gross to me). They take them in their lunches and since I always have extras, I freeze them until they're ready to be used. In the bin I put our frozen biscuits from Schwan's. They're really good and we have them with dinner very often. The shelf below has the things the kids and the husband eat for lunch when they are home. We store the box of chicken nuggets on its side so it takes up less space.

The bottom shelf and drawer have our frozen breakfast items and veggies/fruits. My littlest guy refuses to eat cereal for breakfast like the rest of us so we always have a steady supply of Eggo waffles and french toast sticks around because those are the only things he'll eat. I love frozen veggies because they are so convenient to add to recipes. I don't particularly enjoy cooking so anything that speeds up the dinner making process, I'm all for. ;)

The upper door shelf got the meats I use most often in it. I try to feed my family healthy things so we use lots of ground turkey in our dinners, chicken meatballs, and when I do use hamburger, I mostly only use half and freeze the other half for a future dinner.

The middle and bottom shelves got the frozen potatoes and the kids' ice packs for their lunches. After all my cleaning I actually had a little shelf with nothing on it. I'm sure it will get filled up quickly enough. It always does. :) If you noticed I decided to label my shelves. I'm hoping it will help us all keep things more organized in the future. 

I also did a quick cleanup of the garage freezer as well. It was full of things we had intended to eat over the summer while I was on bed rest but my picky kids didn't like half of what we picked out. Grr. In the door are all my cherries. My silly cherry tree decided to produce a bumper crop of cherries over the summer and of course I couldn't do anything with them. So I had my mom freeze them all for me and nine months later, I'm still working on using them up! Anyone want any cherries? ;)

I didn't have enough "happy foot energy" to do too much to it, but at least it's cleaner looking now!

With a little time and a little effort my freezers are functioning so much better! And with the Dollar Store helping, this project cost me a whopping $3 bucks! How's that for a win?!? Woo hoo!

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