Homemaking is whatever you make of it. Every day brings satisfaction along with some work which may be frustrating, routine, and unchallenging. But it is the same in the law office, the dispensary, the laboratory, or the store. There is, however, no more important job than homemaking. As C.S. Lewis said, "A housewife's work... is the one for which all others exist."

James E. Faust

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Crafting Just for Me

 Last week I took some time off from house upkeep and took some time for myself. I've always loved hand-crafting things but admittedly, the more kids I've had, the more I've set my own interests aside to concentrate on motherhood. I know, however, that I'll be a better mommy if I take time to cultivate my own talents too. So I did!
 First, I created these cute winter snowmen scenes. I love snowmen and most of my Christmas decorations consist of them. These snowmen were so easy too! I have a large collection of scrapbook paper that I don't use often. I tend to be somewhat of a paper hoarder. :) Anyway, I've had some mulberry paper for probably ten years and have never used them because I didn't what to use them for. I discovered, however, that they work well for landscape pictures. I used two different kinds for the snow in my scenes, another for the angel wings and one more for the pine garland too.

I didn't have any white design paper so I made my own by taking plain white card stock and rubber stamping small snowflakes in light tan all over it. The result was rustic-looking paper perfect for country snowmen. Self-adhering buttons and various patterned papers complete my cute snow guys. The words are 3-D scrapbook stickers my mom got me last year for Christmas.

I re-purposed some old wooden frames by first painting them with a shiny bronze paint. Then I applied a crackle medium and let it dry. Finally, I painted a top coat of Rockwood Red paint over the top. I love how they turned out!

And we can't forget this snowman can we? I love wooden crafts. Someday, I hope to have my own saw that cuts out wooden shapes so I can create whatever I want. I bought this guy at Hobby Lobby for a whopping 3 bucks! A little craft paint, some sparkle glaze, and lots of love later and he's all done!

Now I have three cute new Christmas decorations, four happier kids, and one happier me!


Kim said...

so cute! I always say that mothers of young children should do something permanent every day - crafting, sewing, baking, scrapbooking, etc. Otherwise you'll lose your mind because at the beginning of the day, the house starts out messy and, no matter what you do, it usually ends up that way at the end of th day. You have to have something you can point to and say, "I did that"!

jgirl said...

those are so very cute! love the snowmen and I am a firm believer of taking a little time (very little sometimes) to do something fun for just me! when momma's happy and all... ;0)