Homemaking is whatever you make of it. Every day brings satisfaction along with some work which may be frustrating, routine, and unchallenging. But it is the same in the law office, the dispensary, the laboratory, or the store. There is, however, no more important job than homemaking. As C.S. Lewis said, "A housewife's work... is the one for which all others exist."

James E. Faust

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Christmas in a Bin

One bin for each kid!
Yes, I know my last post was also about Christmas. It's because I'm trying to tell you something... Get your Christmas shopping done early so you can enjoy the Holidays!

My husband, Nathan, is my perfect match. He and I complicate each other in every way. Where I am weak he is strong and vice versa. We also share many of the same traits. One of them is list making. We both love to make lists and plan ahead!

Nathan and I start planning Christmas in September. We start by making a running list of all the presents we want to buy, complete with estimated prices. As we think of more things we add them to list or subtract them as we learn more about what our kids and each other really want for Christmas. Then we get to work collecting the gifts. Most of our shopping is done online which is much less hectic and much more convenient.

Each of our children have a bin in the garage numbered with their corresponding birth number. As the gifts arrive, they go in the bin to await wrapping time. My mom used to hide our presents in her closet and there were a few times that things got lost in there only to be found years later. Hmm, there's probably still some lost in there!

Thanksgiving weekend, the tree goes up and the presents get wrapped. They're all bought by then so why not? Nathan helps me wrap and we get through them in about a week. Then we have the whole month of December to enjoy the Christmas season. No last minute chaos at our house. See how much Christmas shopping you can get done this month. The less stress the better!


amyraye said...

I'm with you, Cara: the more you get done early, the more you can actually enjoy December with your family. I am a few presents away from calling my shopping done, and it's such an awesome feeling.
I love the generic bin idea. I do most of my shopping online and have kept my kids presents in those boxes stacked...in my room (with a few random empty boxes on top of the piles). the kids have never figured out their gifts are right there in plain sight!

Unknown said...

Great idea! How do you keep the kids out of them?????

I love plastic bins! I use them for everything I store in the storage outside or in the garage! I have different boxes for seasonal decor and My hubby and I each have a box or 2 with childhood memories. I also have a box of the special baby clothes and stuff. The plastic bins keeps the little bugs out and keeps them keep and non stinky!

Thanks for the great idea!!!!

Cara said...

My kids stay out of the bins because they have no idea they even exist... for now. :)