Homemaking is whatever you make of it. Every day brings satisfaction along with some work which may be frustrating, routine, and unchallenging. But it is the same in the law office, the dispensary, the laboratory, or the store. There is, however, no more important job than homemaking. As C.S. Lewis said, "A housewife's work... is the one for which all others exist."

James E. Faust

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Low Impact and Fun Exercise Ideas for the Physically Impaired/ Uncoordinated/ Nonathletic AKA Me

If you're like me you probably ate way too many cookies and fudge over the holiday season and were too busy eating the above mentioned things to get in any exercise. And if you're also like me you're thinking, "Okay, enough is enough. It was fun to splurge for a little while but I know I can't eat nothing but junk. Why? Because then I feel like nothing but junk."

I'm sure most people look at me and roll their eyes when I talk about exercise. I know I'm already skinny. I know I don't need to lose any weight. But guess what? You're not supposed to exercise just to lose weight! Skinny people can do damage to their hearts too. Just ask my grandpa who had a quadruple bypass surgery nearly 20 years ago and he wasn't fat at all. Or my grandma who had congestive heart failure and she wasn't fat either. When I think of all the benefits that exercise has ie it's good for your heart, it reduces stress, it keeps you looking young, it reduces your risk for cancer and other diseases such as osteoporosis, AND it helps you look and feel good it's a "no brainer" to me! And keep in mind that if you are overweight then your risk for heart problems/cancer/dying at early age are greatly magnified so that should be even more motivation to take care of yourself.

In reference to the title of this blog post, yes, I am physically impaired, uncoordinated and very nonathletic. I have a seriously crippled foot and nerve damage which gives me very limited mobility in my left foot and toes. Because of that I am uneasy going to a gym or an aerobics class. It would be too awkward for me and I worry I would injure myself. But even with a physical impairment I have still found ways that I can exercise that are low-impact and fun.

I'm not professionally trained nor am I an expert but if you're in the market for some new ideas here's some of the things I do:

I. Video Games-- I have always loved playing video games and since my husband happens to be a collector of games we have many at our house. Though I don't have time to play too many of them I can always make time for a video game that is not only fun but gets me moving too. Here are the ones I've tried and really like:
  • Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus-- Using the Wii balance board these games guide you through a variety of fun and challenging activities.  My favorites are step  aerobics (which I happen to have a perfect score on for perfect rhythm,) for Wii  Fit and Boxing for Wii Fit Plus. On the Plus game you can also create your own  workout routines. Just make sure you jog in place while loading the next activity  to keep your heart rate up. These games are perfect if you are just beginning to exercise and need something very low impact.

  • EA Active Games-- The one I have is EA Active 2. I must say I LOVE this game! Not only does it have many fun games (some of my faves are mountain boarding and basketball) but it is super high tech. It can monitor the amount of calories you've  burned plus your heart rate. It also has the ability to create custom work outs based on what you're trying to accomplish. For example if you're wanting to do only cardio workouts or strength training you can choose from a vast amount of exercises to do just that. Personally, I like to have a little of everything (some  strength, some cardio and some core) and even though I'm limited in the kinds of exercises I can do, thanks to the customizing, it's doable. :)

II. Zumba-- It's all the rage right now! If you like to dance and feel like a "hot mama" then you'll most definitely like Zumba. There's classes all around, they even teach one for free at my church but there's no way I'm going to subject myself to that kind of humiliation! I've got decent rhythm but because one foot doesn't work properly, it doesn't always look that way. If I do zumba on a DVD, YouTube, or a video game though the only people who are there to laugh at me are my kids. :)

III. Dancing-- Speaking of dancing, what a great and fun way to burn some calories! I like to turn on silly songs for my kids and I to dance to. They love it although there are too many of us to fit comfortably into the living room these days.  ;) If you are looking for some great kid tunes we like The Laurie Berkner Band and my kids also love Ace of Base. I was a teenager in the 90's what more can I say? Also, Just Dance is a great video game option for dancing. We have Just Dance Kids and even though it's got kid music there's enough for me that I like to do it too.

IV. Exercise Videos-- Back in the day I had a Kathy Smith aerobics DVD. I loved the routine but COULD NOT STAND Kathy herself. Too happy, too annoying, and I found myself cursing her perkiness every time I watched it. After my third baby, I discovered the Biggest Loser workouts and got hooked. Since all the people are novice exercisers it's super low impact whic is safe for me to do, yet it gets results quickly, perfect for trying to lose that baby weight! And Bob Harper hasn't annoyed me yet in the seven years I've been doing his workouts.

V. Pilates and Yoga-- I do yoga through all my pregnancies and it always helps so much! It's perfect for aches and pains.  Pilates is great too, especially because it focuses on core muscles. Both are wonderful for de-stressing due to all the deep breathing and for toning flabby muscles.

VI. Walking!-- Walking has always been and will forever be my favorite way to get exercise. I used to have a treadmill and while it was fine, I prefer being able to be outdoors. People have asked me what my secret is to losing my baby weight so quickly. The secret is walking. Strapping my babies into the stroller and walking uphill as much as possible. If you don't like walking by yourself, then take your dog, take your kids, take your husband or take some friends. The great thing about walking is you can still have conversation while doing it. Plus, the fresh air is invigorating and you can set your own pace. Plus, it's free. ;)

Okay, now if you're sitting there and are getting angry because this skinny girl is trying to guilt you into taking care of yourself, I'm sorry. It's just always never made sense to me to not take care of the body God gave you. You only get one life to live, you only get one body. Take care of it. Fat or not. Give yourself permission to take care of yourself so you can be the best possible you!

If I can find time to do it with five kids and a crooked foot then you can too. :)